Supply Partners
Community Bound by Quality in Support of Those Who Serve
Connect to the best within an ecosystem of excellence.

What it Means to be a Darley Supply Partner
Supply Partners are driving innovation in their respective industries. They are aligned with Darley and positioned to benefit from Darley’s market reach and finely tuned expertise in serving all facets of military procurement.
Selection as a Darley Partner is a brand-building opportunity that provides a company with a widely recognized distinction and significant visibility among key customers. Supply Partners also benefit from access to Darley’s municipal and federal contracting vehicles.

Global Sales Force
Supply Partners gain access to our sales force’s expertise in driving business with across local, state and federal agencies.
Trade Shows
Trade show presence and experience represents an essential business-building opportunity.
Digital Promotion
Darley’s unsurpassed digital footprint provides promotional opportunities via multiple channels.
Looking for the Assurance of High Standards? Find a Darley Supply Partner.
Advanced Government Logistics
Akron Brass Company

Alien Gear Holsters

Alpine Metal Tech North America
Ascent Vision Technologies

Beyond Clothing
Blue Force Gear

BMK Ventures


Crystal Clear Technologies Inc

D & R Technical Solutions
Elkhart Brass

Faro Technologies

Fire Dex
Military Compliant, Funding Assistance
FLAIM Systems


Ghost Robotics
Military Compliant
Huntington Ingalls Industries

IMPRES Technology Solutions
Improve Group
Incredible Supply & Logistics
Key Hose

Mainstream Engineering

OXE Marine
Parrot Inc.

Patriot Products, LLC
Persistent Systems Inc

Point One

Polaris Industries Inc.


Rally Point Tactical

Ready Rack
Military Compliant
Safran Optics 1 Inc.


Shelby Specialty Gloves

Task Force Tips


Warrior Pak


Western Shelter Systems
The Defense & First Responder Industries’ Most Prominent Providers
- 3M Company
- 3M Scott Fire & Safety
- 1445 Designs Corporation
- 3LS, Inc.
- 4K Solutions
- 5.11 Inc.
- A.H. Stock
- AAR Mobility Systems
- ACAF Systems
- Action Coupling & Equipment
- Advanced Training Systems
- AEG Group
- Aimpoint
- Air Cruisers (Zodiac)
- Air Rover
- Air Systems International
- Ajax Tools
- Akron Brass
- Alaska Structures
- Alco-Lite
- Alpine Metal Tech (Simulations)
- Amerex
- American Airworks
- American Innovations
- American Trade Mark
- Ameripack
- Ames
- AMT Simulation
- Anchor Industries
- Anglo American Tools
- Apache
- Apex
- AOA Tactical
- Aqualung Group
- Arc'teryx
- Arctic Compressor
- Argus
- Ascent Vision Technologies
- Astronics DME
- Atlantic Signal
- Austin-Edward Company
- Avon Manufacturing
- Avon Protection
- B. E. Meyers
- Ban-Air
- BC Customs
- Berg Premier Camp Solutions
- Betts
- Beyond Clothing
- Big Little Ladder
- BJM Pumps
- Black Diamond Advanced Technology
- Black Diamond Group
- BlastMask
- Blue Force Gear
- BMK Ventures
- Boston Leather
- Breathing Air Systems
- Bridgehill
- Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus
- Broco
- Buckeye Fire Equipment
- Bullard
- Buyers Products Company
- C & S Supply
- C-2 Innovations
- C-Max Fire Solutions
- Carson
- Cast Products Inc.
- CAT (Caterpillar Inc.)
- Catoma
- Cejay Engineering
- Channellock
- Chenega Technical Innovations
- Chemguard, Inc.
- Circul-Air
- Citadel Defense
- CMC Rescue
- Coaxsher
- Code 3
- Coleman
- Complete Environmental Products
- Conflict Kinetics
- Continental
- Cortina
- Cotton Goods
- Council Tool
- Creative Tent International
- Crestar Fire Equipment
- CrewBoss
- Crystal Clear Technologies
- Cubic Global Defense
- CY Plastics
- D & R Technical Solutions
- Defibtech
- Dicke Safety Products
- Document Imaging Dimensions
- Drager
- Dragon Fire
- Drone Nerds
- Duo-Safety
- Dyn-Optics
- E-One
- Eagle Industries
- Earl Mich Company
- Eaton
- Edwards and Cromwell
- EGI Defense
- Elite Aluminum
- Elkhart Brass
- Emergency Medical International
- Endeavor Robotics
- Ergodyne
- Explotrain
- EZ Spanner
- EZ-Foam
- FalCom (GN Hearing)
- FARO Technologies
- Fat Ivan
- Federal Signal Corporation
- Ferno
- Fieldtex Products
- Fire Axe Inc.
- Fire-Dex
- Fire Hooks Unlimited
- Fire Ninja
- Fire Research Corporation
- Fire-Dex
- Fireboy - Xintex
- Firequip
- FireWipes
- First Watch
- FLAIM Systems
- Flamefighter
- Fold-Da-Tank
- FoxFire
- FoxFury
- Froggys Fog
- Galvion
- Garmin
- Gemtor
- Genasys
- Ghost Robotics
- Government Specialty Products
- Government Training Institute
- Grace Industries
- Greensea
- Grimco
- Grover
- Groves Inc.
- Guardian
- Guardian Fire Equipment
- H.O. Bostrom
- HAAS Alert
- Halcyon Products
- Hammerhead Industries
- Hannay Reels
- Hanscom K.
- Harrington, Inc.
- Harris Communications
- Harris Industries
- Hastings Brass Foundry
- Haztech Systems
- HD Electric Company
- HDT Global
- Heater Craft
- Heatseeker H2O
- Henderson Aquatics
- High Rise Escape Systems
- Honeywell
- Honeywell First Responder Products
- Hose Monster Company
- Hot Shield USA
- Hotstick
- Hoverfly
- Howell Rescue Systems
- Husky Portable Containment
- Hydra-Shield
- IMPRES Technology Solutions
- Improve Group
- Incredible Supply & Logistics
- Indian Springs Manufacturing
- Inert Products
- Innotex
- Intelagard
- Invisio
- Junkin
- Justrite
- Kappler
- Key Fire Hose Corp.
- Kimtek
- Kipper Tool
- Kochek Company Inc
- Koehler Brightstar
- Kovenex
- Kromek
- Kussmaul
- L&R
- L3Harris
- L3Harris Electron Devices
- L3Harris Public Safety
- Lakeland
- Laser Max Defense
- Larsen's Manufacturing Company
- Laws of Motion (Three PPE)
- Leatherhead
- Lifeline Rescue
- Lightning X
- Little Giant Ladder
- Loggerhead Tools
- Lonestar Axe LLC
- LOWA Boots
- Madd Dog
- Majestic Fire Apparel
- MAK Technologies
- Marathon Targets
- MASKhaze
- Matjack
- Mechanix Wear
- Medipak Energy Systems
- Mentor Hose Ramps
- Mercedes Textiles
- MITI Manufacturing
- MMI Outdoor
- Motorola Solutions
- Mustang Survival
- Niedner
- Night Vision Devices
- Nightstick
- North American Rescue
- Northern Star Fire
- NPS Corp
- Occunomix
- Ocenco, Inc.
- Odin Foam
- OnScene Solutions
- Orion Safety Products
- Oval Brand Fire Products
- Oxylance
- Pacific Reflex Signs
- Paratech Inc.
- Parrot, Inc.
- Patagonia
- Patriot Products, LLC
- Paul Conway Shields
- Paulson Manufacturing
- Pelican
- Performance Advantage Company
- Petrogen
- Petzl
- Phos-Chek
- Pigeon Mountain Industries
- Plasticade
- PND Corporation
- Point Blank Enterprises
- Point One
- Polar Breeze (Statim Technologies)
- Polaris Defense
- Potter Roemer Fire Pro
- Power Hawk Technologies, Inc.
- Presco
- Primo Pumps
- Priority 1 Life Safety
- Pro Poly
- Pro tech-8
- Pro-gard Products
- Protek
- QuickStop
- R & B Fabrications, Inc.
- Rada Technologies
- Rally Point Tactical
- RamFan
- Reality in Virtual Reality (RiVR)
- Red Head Brass
- Redline Gear Cleaning
- Remco
- Rescue Essentials
- Rescue Technology
- Resqme
- Revision
- Revision Military
- Rheinmetall Defence
- Rice Hydro Inc
- Ringers Gloves
- RMC Medical
- Rock Exotica
- RoDon
- S & S Precision
- SafeTacMag
- Safran Optics 1
- Saint-Gobain
- Savox Communications
- SCBAS, Inc.
- Scott Plastics
- Scott Safety
- SEI Industries
- Sensible Products
- Sentry Siren
- Sericore
- Serket USA
- Setcom
- ShadowTech Labs
- Shakespeare
- Shark Marine Technologies
- Sharkcage
- Shelby Gloves
- Sierra Nevada Corporation
- Simulaids
- Skedco
- Skolnik
- Skyfire
- SmartRayVision
- Snagger Tools
- Special Service and Supply
- SpecOps Group
- Star
- StartGuides
- Sterling Rope
- Stevens Company
- Strategic Operations
- Streamlight Inc
- Super Vacuum Manufacturing
- Superior Signal Company
- Survival Systems Training
- Task Force Tips
- Team Equipment, Inc.
- TechTrade
- Tele-Lite
- Teledyne FLIR Detection
- Teledyne FLIR Surveillance
- Teledyne FLIR Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Teledyne FLIR Unmanned Ground Systems
- Tempest Technology
- Thales Defense and Security
- The Bosworth Company
- The Fountainhead Group
- Theissen Training Systems
- Thermbright (MJ Services)
- Thorogood
- Thuemling
- Tingley Rubber
- Trident Emergency Products
- Trijicon
- True North Gear
- Trusty-Cook
- Turtle Plastics
- U.S. Rigging
- Ultra Electronics
- Underwater Kinetics
- Unifire
- United Shield International
- Unity
- US Health Express (Jointown International)
- UTS Systems
- Velocity Training Systems
- Veridian
- Viasat
- VideoRay
- VizCon
- VR Support Center (XVR)
- W.S. Darley & Company
- Warrior Pak (LAT Enterprises)
- Warthog
- WeatherHawk
- Weinbrenner Shoe Company (Thorogood)
- Wehr Engineering
- Wel-Fab
- Weldon
- Western Shelter
- Whelen
- Wilcox Industries
- Wiley X
- Winsol
- Wisesol Pacific
- Wolfpack Gear
- World Housing Solution
- WYK Sorbent
- Xcaper Industries
- Yates Tactical
- Zerobase Energy
- Ziamatic Corporation
Become Part of Something Bigger
Expertise, connectedness, community and a lot more. The Darley Supply Partner Program.