Thanks for taking the time to watch our September 2017 issue of Inside Darley. I’m Paul Darley.
This past month saw the release of a new report on the fire apparatus industry from FAMA. Overall the news was good with new orders up by 18% and new Canadian orders up by 40%. This is great news for anyone in the apparatus business.
The recent July/August Issue of the NFPA Journal was excellent. It contained several great articles worth noting. First is a report on Fire Fighter fatalities in the US. Obviously one death is too many, but overall trends are going in the right direction with 69 fatalities in 2016 under the average in the US of 73 for the past five years. The second was an article entitled Shrinking Resources, Growing Concern about the growing challenges facing volunteer fire departments across the country. Both are attached here and worth a read for sure.
Darley has been investing heavily in water for some time. We see the need for water across the world as a mega-trend and something that will affect us all in one way or another in the coming years. You can read our water capability statement here as our third attachment. One of the products we’ve recently found to have many applications in this area is boxed water.
Boxed water has several advantages including easier storage, sanitation, and shelf life. One of our biggest customers, the US Army, recently successfully airdropped a pallet of boxed water from a C-130 in fact. Learn more about our boxed water product here.
While we aren’t holding our annual H2Open Golf Outing this year, we are headed soon to Tanzania to install another water purification system with H2OpenDoors. You can watch a short video on Kevin Sofen’s recent trip to Nepal here as well.
As always thanks for watching and please reach out if there is anything we can be doing to assist you.