Inside Darley July 2018

Hi, I’m Paul Darley, thanks for coming to watch the July issue of Inside Darley.

I hope you had a great first half of the year. Here at Darley we recently had our Illinois Fire Service Home Day. Home Day gives fire chiefs and fire industry leaders a chance to talk with congressional representatives and staffers about the needs of the fire industry and what they can do to help.

One of the discussions that took place was about cancer in the fire industry. Cancer has been a growing concern for our customers and we think it’s important that these discussions happen. Thankfully the House of Representatives passed the Firefighter Cancer Registry Act. This bill will allow the creation of a registry to help researchers study and prevent the types of cancer firefighters develop.

Our first attachment is from the Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research called “Double risk of cancer fatality for firefighters.” The article talks about the increased risk of firefighters dying from cancer than other leading diseases. Their website is a great resource for finding information regarding cancer and diseases firefighters face. covers topics to help business make educated decisions based on current trends. Our second attachment is “Playing the Economic Boom While It Lasts” which is an article that talks about preparing for the coming recession and what business can do to weather the coming storm. The Third attachment is “CEO Confidence Falls On Growing Trade War Worries” which talks about where CEO’s think the economy is going based on the recent trade wars.

Finally have a Happy 4th of July and thanks for watching this issue of Inside Darley, if there is anything we can be doing to assist you we hope you reach out to us.

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