Hi, I’m Paul Darley, and thanks for tuning into our February issue of Inside Darley. We are really excited this month to be rolling out our Darley Leadership University for our employees. As we did that we looked at these great advisory and board members who are helping to educate and lead our team, we said we really have to share their great authenticity and straight honest talk with our Inside Darley viewership. We are excited to do that moving forward in 2021, and you are in for a treat today our first interview is with Sam Skinner.
Sam served as White House Chief of Staff and U.S. Secretary of Transportation under President George H. W. Bush. He is going to talk about the primary challenges for the Biden administration and maybe how they can best address those. He will also talk about the vaccine process that is being rolled out. He is chairman of the Chicago Recovery Task Force and he will also talk about long term trends taking place that will impact your business, your organization, your government organization, your fire department. So, I encourage you to stick around until the end of the video to check it out.
Harvard Business Review released an article titled 9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond. We can’t share the article with you but I encourage you to google that and check it out. It talks about flexibility, managing remote employees, life experience of employees and how people are relearning. One of the ways people are relearning is through podcasts. Last year if you could imagine in 2020 55% of Americans listened to at least one podcast. Twenty-four percent of Americans listed to more than one podcast a week, on average that’s up to seven podcasts a week. Podcasts are popular and can conveniently be listened to while doing something else.
There are a few podcasts we want to highlight. Number one is the HBR Channel it’s a free subscription, just incredible interviews. Number two is The Leadership Podcast by a great friend of mine Jim Vaselopulos and Jan Rutherford. On January 13th they released episode TLP237: Multi-Generational Leadership, which featured the W.S. Darley company. The interview is about 47 minutes long and is required listening for Darley employees. If you have time we encourage you to check that out. They interviewed some great guests on other episodes like Patrick Lencioni, General Stanley McChrystal, and General Dempsey. We also recommend The Learning Leader by Ryan Hawk, Ditch Digger CEO by Gary Rabine. Here at Darley we also produce the Smart Firefighting Podcast, we encourage you to check that out. Episode 83: Jaap De Vries and FM Global was excellent, we have had Bobby Halton, Sir Thomas Winsor, Caleb Holt. We just had Jaap De Vries from FM Global last episode. Tomorrow Smart Firefighting is having a webinar together with life scan on Healthy Heart, Happy Firefighter we encourage your to check that out.
Last week I had the opportunity to sit in on a podcast with Matthew McConaughey I’ve always admired and learned a lot from him. He just released a book titled Green Lights and we have attached for you here a copy of the main takeaways from that book. So hopefully you will check that out.
Thanks for tuning into this issue of Inside Darley, if there is anything we can be doing to support you, we hope you reach out to us.