Inside Darley December 2018

Hi, I’m Paul Darley, thanks for coming to watch the December issue of Inside Darley.

The wildfires in California have been devastating. Our hearts go out to the people who have been those affected by the wildfires, and those who have come to their aide.

It’s unfortunate, but we are seeing a trend of natural disasters growing year by year. It’s not just the number of wildfires, hurricanes and floods are on the rise as well. Thousands of people have been displaced by these disasters and are in need. To help those affected, we’ve increased contributions from the Darley Family Foundation and donated Darley Safe Water boxes. If your company wants to get involved, you can sponsor a shipment of water boxes for a recovering community. You can reach me by emailing

Over the years, we’ve expanded our customer base to include federal organizations, which leads to our first attachment Darley’s Capability Statement. In this attachment, you will find the vehicles we use to supply federal organizations with the resources they need. We have worked with the Department of Defense, FEMA, and the U.S Forest Service. If your organization uses federal dollars, we can support you.

Technology is always disrupting industries, and the first responder market is no different. Our second attachment is “The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Firefighting” by Kirk McKinzie. In the article, Kirk talks about an AI created by NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. Assistant, Understanding, Data, Reasoning, Extraction, sYnthesis (A.U.D.R.E.Y) is an AI that originally was used for deep space research, but NASA has started to apply it to the fire industry. A.U.D.R.E.Y collects data and will help firefighters by guiding their decision making in real-time. A.U.D.R.E.Y could help improve training aides such as the FLAIM Trainer. It’s a great time for technology in the fire industry.

The fire industry is dominated by tradeshows, and we are always active on that front. Our third attachment is the FAMA/FEMSA trade show list. We will be attending over a hundred trade shows in 2019. We hope to see you at one of them.

Thanks for tuning in to this issue of Inside Darley, if there is anything we can be doing to assist you we hope you reach out to us.

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