Hi I’m Paul Darley, thanks for coming to watch our December 2017 edition of Inside Darley.
Finding useful and accurate information is invaluable to planning. The National Fire Protection Association recently released their 2016 findings, this report is a great resource to help recognize trends with fires. The Fire Loss will be our first attachment. I highly recommend taking some time and going through their Fire Statistics page, there is a lot of great information.
When it comes to finding trends sometimes it helps to look outside the U.S. One country that has a lot of similarities to the U.S is Indonesia. Indonesia faces a lot of the same issues that we are facing today and some that we could be facing tomorrow. Januar Airrfin of Pundarika, Indonesia sent me the Worldhealth.net predictions report in June 2016, which is our second attachment. The report has quite a few interesting observations which we could see impact the U.S as soon as next year.
Another great resource to help you find trends is Tony Seba. Tony is an instructor at Standford University’s Continuing Studies Program, he teaches about market disruption, clean energy and much more. He has great video which I’ll link here. In this video he talks about the future of cars and touches on other industries being disrupted by technology advancement.
Please, if you have a second, take the FAMA Survey. This survey helps the fire service suppliers improve their ability to provide for the fire services. The more responses we receive the better the data from the survey. Also there’s a chance to win a $500 dollar gift card for completing the survey, so take a look.
With 2018 fast approaching it’s time to start planning your strategy for next year and our third attachment is something that can really help focus your plan. The Rockefeller Habits Checklist is a great tool to help your organization develop good habits each quarter. It can be a real organizational challenge to check off everything but I encourage you to give it a shot, it truly is an exceptional resource.
Thank you for allowing us to serve you this year. If there is anything we can be doing to help assist you please don’t hesitate to contact us. Finally I want to wish you and your families a merry Christmas and a happy holidays from all of us at Darley.